Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Viva El Papa!

Oh boy...what a day. Feast of Sts Peter and Paul and the 60th anniversary of the ordination of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger otherwise known as our Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI.

Today we celebrate the two great pillars of the Church upon whose lives the great and Holy Catholic Church was built: Peter and Paul. The two heads that look down upon you from the baldichino in the Basilica of Our Savior in Rome. The two saints, besides Our Lord and Our Lady, that have a Major Basilica in Rome named after them.

The hymn for Vespers is:

Decora lux aeternitatis, auream
Diem beatis irrigavit ignibus,
Apostolorum quae coronat Principes,
Reisque in astra liberam pandit viam.

Mundi Magister, atque caeli Janitor,
Romae parentes, arbitrique gentium,
Per ensis ille, hic per crucis victor necem
Vitae senatum laureati possident.

O Roma felix, quae duorum Principum
Es consecrata glorioso sanguine:
Horum cruore purpurata ceteras
Excellis orbis una pulchritudines.

Sit Trinitati sempiterna gloria,
Honor, potestas, atque jubilatio,
In unitate quae gubernat omnia,
Per universa saeculorum saecula.

The beauteous light of God's eternal majesty
Streams down in golden rays to grace this holy day
Which crowned the princes of the Apostles' glorious choir,
And unto guilty mortals showed the heavenward way.

The teacher of the world and keeper of heaven's gate,
Rome's founders twain and rulers too of every land,
Triumphant over death by sword and shameful cross,
With laurel crowned are gathered to the eternal band.

O happy Rome! who in thy martyr princes' blood,
A twofold stream, art washed and doubly sanctified.
All earthly beauty thou alone outshinest far,
Empurpled by their outpoured life-blood's glorious tide.

All honour, power, and everlasting jubilee
To him who all things made and governs here below,
To God in essence One, and yet in persons Three,
Both now and ever, while unending ages flow.

I also refer you to my older post, Petrine and Pauline Roots for more on the importance of Peter and Paul. Christ is the King and Eternal Priest but, after his death, he left his authority to Peter, gave him the keys to run the Church. With that, let us develop a holy devotion to the Seat of Peter and his successor, Pope Benedict XVI. We should pray for him daily.

Now, it just so happens that today, Pope Benedict celebrates his 60th anniversary as a priest:

There was a invitation going around the web to perform 60 hours of adoration specifically for the Pope and his intentions...I don't think it is too late to start now in thanksgiving for our Holy Roman Pontiff.

Well, here we are. So much to say and I have to run off to class. Maybe I will add to this later.

But I think a few pics and the Vatican Anthem should suffice:


Original Latin  
O felix Roma – o Roma nobilis:
Sedes es Petri, qui Romae effudit sanguinem,
Petri cui claves datae sunt regni caelorum.
Pontifex, Tu successor es Petri;
Pontifex, Tu magister es tuos confirmans fratres;
Pontifex, Tu qui Servus servorum Dei,
hominumque piscator, pastor es gregis,
ligans caelum et terram.
Pontifex, Tu Christi es Vicarius super terram,
rupes inter fluctus, Tu es pharus in tenebris;
Tu pacis es vindex, Tu es unitatis custos,
vigil libertatis defensor; in Te potestas.
Tu Pontifex, firma es petra, et super petram
hanc aedificata est Ecclesia Dei.
Pontifex, Tu Christi es Vicarius super terram,
rupes inter fluctus, Tu es pharus in tenebris;
Tu pacis es vindex, Tu es unitatis custos,
vigil libertatis defensor; in Te potestas.

O felix Roma – O Roma nobilis.

Don Giovanni and I sung this hymn, poorly I might add, yesterday

An English translation  
O happy Rome - O noble Rome
You are the seat of Peter, whose blood was shed in Rome,
Peter, to whom the keys of the kingdom of heaven were given.
Pontiff, You are the successor of Peter;
Pontiff, You are the teacher, you confirm your brethren;
Pontiff, You who are the Servant of the servants of God,
and fisher of men, are the shepherd of the flock,
linking heaven and earth.
Pontiff, You are the vicar of Christ on earth,
a rock amidst the waves, You are a beacon in the darkness;
You are the defender of peace, You are the guardian of unity,
watchful defender of liberty; in You is the authority.
Pontiff, you are the unshakable rock, and on this rock
was built the Church of God.
Pontiff, You are the vicar of Christ on earth,
a rock amidst the waves, You are a beacon in the darkness;
You are the defender of peace, You are the guardian of unity,
watchful defender of liberty; in You is the authority.
O happy Rome - O noble Rome.

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